"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;

I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."

John 10:10

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Good stuff

* We are having chicken fajitas with a lot of peppers for supper.  I love peppers.  For dessert?  Mint Oreo milkshakes.

*  It is sunny.  The weather is suppose to be in the mid to upper 50's by next week.  That means I can air out the girls, explore the neighborhood, and clean the inside of my embarassingly dirty van.  

*  My boyfriend and I are going on a date this weekend, banking on the hope that we can find a baby-sitter.

*  I have been figuring out all kinds of neat stuff with my Macbook.  This should eventually save me time.  

*  Cora is sleeping through the night again after her double ear infection.  When you are never getting good sleep, walking around in a blur becomes the norm.  Being use to getting a full night's sleep and then not getting it?  That's tough.  

*  Speaking of Cora, this is what her hair is looking like these days.  

1 comment:

jibby said...

SO CUTE!!! Love those curls!