"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;

I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."

John 10:10

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Read Alouds

I love reading books out loud to the girls.  It is easily my favorite part of the day.  We eat lunch, clean up, put Julia to bed, turn on the fireplace, gather the quiet time activities, snuggle up on the couch, and then read.  The only problem?  Occasionally we have to cut read aloud time short because Mommy is having a difficult time staying awake.

This year I have started two sets of read alouds, one for the little girls (Cora and Anna) and one for the big girls (Lydia and Madeline).  The deal was that the big girls could stay up and listen to the little girls' or go read quietly by themselves.  Then the little girls were suppose to go up to nap time after their read aloud, but they have been staying up to listen to the big girl read aloud as well.

So far this school year, we have read...

Little House in the Big Woods
Little House on the Prairie
On the Banks of Plum Creek
By the Shores of Silver Lake
and we're working on The Long Winter
The Little House books are the best read aloud books!  This is my second time going through them and I still love every moment.  
We'll keep reading until we finish up Little Town on the Prairie and These Happy Golden Years.

The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis (We never completed all the Chronicles of Narnia books a couple years and Madeline insists that I read the last two aloud.)
The Railway Children by Edith Nesbit (I never actually finished this one with the girls.  It just wasn't clicking with us.  I stopped, and Lydia finished it on her own.  She really enjoyed it.)
The Candymakers by Wendy Mass
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
We're currently reading The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald.
I hope yet to read Little Britches by Ralph Moody.  

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