"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;

I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."

John 10:10

Friday, March 28, 2014

March 28, 2014

I made our monthly trip to Sam's Club this afternoon.  I'm sticking with the once a month big grocery shopping, and so far it is working pretty well.  By the end of the month we are running low, but it is keeping me out of the store which helps our budget and my time.

However, I really don't like going to Sam's.  For me, it still has too much of the Wal Mart feel.  My cart is overflowing after walking through the huge warehouse store, I pay $400 as I check out, and begrudgingly load every single little item into the van and then out of the van.  It zaps my energy.  I get a really grumpy attitude about it.  

Then tonight I was convicted of this grumpiness.  It hit me that there are women around the world who have to walk miles every day just to get fresh water for their family.  There are women who have to grind their own flour or corn to make bread for their families every single day.  There are women who would love to feed their families fresh, nutritious fruits and vegetables all year round.  So maybe the problem isn't Sam's Club (although I would really love a Costco in Lincoln), but me.

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