
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Baby Update

Today marks 37 weeks that this babe has been gestating in my womb.  It still blows my mind that there is a real live human being in there.  Even though I can feel her move and am reminded every second that I am growing a person within me, it boggles my mind.  I have always been a bit surprised when you deliver, and out pops a real, live baby.  It is a miracle, whether it is your first baby or sixth baby.

I am having a lot of contractions, just like I did with Julia for weeks before she was born.  I know they are not labor contractions, but if this was my first rodeo I might be freaking out.  They don't knock me out, but some definitely make me stop and take a deep breath.  I think this also may contribute to my tiredness, since my body is working extra hard with every contraction.  Although, I will say the my exhaustion has been better the last few days.  A good (relatively speaking) night's sleep really helps.  My doctor hasn't checked to see if I'm dilated yet, although I would be surprised if I wasn't.  

I had a doctor appointment yesterday and I'm measuring a couple weeks behind because she is down in my pelvis.  Dr. Wurtz asked me if it felt like there was a cantaloupe in my pelvis.  That sounded like a pretty accurate description.  I've not gained any weight the last three weeks.  I just don't have room to eat much at one setting.  I'm not as puffy or retaining as much water this time around, which is a welcome relief.  All my other pregnancies ended in July or very beginning of October, so I was very hot and swollen.  It is in my makeup to gain most of my weight the first half of my pregnancy.  I've found that the best way for me to combat the "morning" sickness is to eat.  And for some reason water doesn't stay down in those dire days while pop and fast food will.  I've learned to just embrace it, and know that my weight gain really slows down in the last half as I reach my set point.  This baby moves quite a bit, but not as much as Julia did.  Julia was my biggest party girl inside.  

I am mentally preparing to go through labor and delivery.  I tested positive for Strep B, which is a first for me.  I'm a little worried at how fast I will go this time, with having to get to the hospital to get the antibiotics going.  Julia was three hours from the time my water broke at home til she popped out at the hospital.  So if that is reduced by an hour, that is a pretty quick turnaround by the time we get out of the house, get checked in to the hospital, and so on.  But, I'm not going to get worked up about it or fool myself into thinking much of this is actually in my control.

Overall, I really can't believe there is only three weeks left.  This pregnancy has flown by.  My mom and sisters are coming in a couple days to help rearrange girl rooms, decorate, and prepare for baby.  The truth is, I need the help.  I still have to buy little diapers, pack a hospital bag, pull out and wash baby clothes, figure out a plan for the girls when the baby comes, clean the baby equipment, and so on.  Until then, sweet little baby girl can stay nice and snug in her Mommy.  

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