"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;

I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."

John 10:10

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sharin' the Love

If you can't tell from my recent posts, there have been some tough days around here lately.  They are not all like that.  Even in the midst of the frustrations, I love my girls.  We have a lot of fun together!  My cup overflows more than it runs dry.  Let me tell you about...

She is up at the crack of dawn (literally), smiling and ready for some eggs and bacon.  She goes hard all day, then dives into bed at night.  Anna snuggles under the covers and sighs, then is out.  
Yesterday Anna came in to our room about 6:00 AM and asked me how many days there are until we bake gingerbread boys for Christmas.  
The other day I was asking the girls what they want to be when they grow up.  Madeline wanted to be a spy for the President, Lydia wanted to be a weather person.  Anna wanted to be a bus, house, or car.  
Anna's voice is fairly deep for a little girl.  It has been that way since she was a baby.  I can't help but feel my heart melt when she says "Happy Mudder's Day."  

We have been having a blast with Cora lately.  I realized that when Lydia and Anna were her current age, I was either very pregnant or had a new baby by now.  
Cora's hair is really curling up, just like Madeline's did.  This was her hairdo this past week when it has been hot and humid.
Cora has rounded the corner from baby to toddler.  The proof?  When she finished her lunch today, she said "More ketchup please."  
She copies everything we do and say.  When we got out of the van and the wind hit us, she said "Woofta."  Amen to that.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Uff-da! The Norwegian expression for anything moderately surprising/hard. I LOVE IT!